Sunday, December 15, 2019

Happy 60th Birthday, Grandpa Jim!

For my Dad's 60th birthday, we decided to have a family weekend out at our cabin.  We spent the weekend snowshoeing, sledding, going on a sleigh ride, and enjoying some delicious food.  It was the perfect way to celebrate.

My dad is such a good husband, father, and grandpa.  He is incredibly hard-working and is always willing to help out.  He is good at many things - sports, woodworking and other handyman things, hunting and fishing, anything farm related, and so many other things.  It is important to him to do the right thing.  He turns into a little kid when he is playing with my kids and it is so fun to see.  He isn't afraid to change diapers, have them help in the kitchen or outside, and even took them to the swimming pool himself this past summer!  Growing up as his daughter, he taught me to mow lawn, drive a trailer, stack hay bales, fix fence, and use tools.  There were not "girl jobs" and "boy jobs" in our house, and I'm so grateful for that.  My dad is a good man, and I'm proud of him and am so glad we got to celebrate together as he begins his next decade.  Happy Birthday!

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