Tuesday, December 31, 2019

New Year's Eve

We celebrated a kid-free New Year's Eve out at Holiday Acres with Steve and Patti and Tom and Sara.  We had a delicious 5 course meal of appetizers, shrimp bisque, salad, halibut or lamb, and dessert.  It was fun to have the opportunity to get out to celebrate...we went to Holiday Acres for our first NYE as a married couple 8 years ago, but haven't been out since! This New Year's also marks the 14th anniversary of the day that Eric and I met at our friend, Brandon's party.  It is amazing how quickly time goes!

We have a few goals for ourselves as we start the new year and decade:
1. Eric and I are both trying to be more active and make healthy eating choices.
2. I'd like to go to a few more horse shows.
3. It may sound silly, but I am trying to make sure I go to bed with a clean kitchen sink.  It makes the day so much easier when the dishes are done from the night before.
4. I am trying to be more mindful and organized around our home, in an attempt to reduce clutter.
5. Eric would like to get biking again.

2019 was a challenging year for us.  Having a third child, while extremely rewarding, has brought its challenges - largely from a lack of sleep! Influenza, a kidney stone, head lice, and a cracked scalp have complicated things a bit, too.  While 2019 brought us many blessings - Simon, Everett, Tom and Sara's marriage - I can't say we'll be sorry to start fresh and see what the next year has in store for us! Happy New Year!

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