This is what a well child exam looks like during a pandemic. Children three and over are required to wear masks. Livi did such a good job of not touching things, keeping her distance, and leaving her mask on.
These guidelines from the Spanish Flu pandemic a hundred years ago seem to still ring true!
For some reason, there are still many people who refuse to wear masks when they go into public places. Their claim is that it is unconstitutional for the government to tell them what to wear. Not sure how wearing a mask is any different than being required to wear seatbelts...if it saves lives, do it!
We have been on an upward trajectory in positive cases lately. We were all hoping that the warmer weather of summer would make the caseload decrease. Unfortunately, it hasn't. We're hoping things get more under control before school starts this fall...
We are still doing ok. We are thankful for each other, job stability, and a less busy life. The kids are happy. We have been healthy. Let's hope it all stays this way!
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