Thursday, August 27, 2020

Drive in Church

With the start of covid in the Northwoods, churches have been closed.  Trinity has been doing online streaming for the worship services since March and I have been helping record some of the music for those.  Of course, online services miss the personal connection, so Pastor Tim and Pastor Kari decided to try to do some drive-in services as an additional option.  They asked me to help out with the music.  Then the live service was broadcasted on our own radio station. Our first service had about ten cars that attended.  It was an abbreviated service with no scripture readings or communion, but it was nice to see some familiar faces in their cars as they enjoyed the music and sermon.  As time went on, the crowd grew larger and Trinity was even featured in the newspaper for this unusual approach of "attending church." The pastors figured out a safe way to do communion with individually wrapped wafers and grape juice.  Overall, this was a very good option for our members to still feel connected to their physical church during this crazy time.  I'm so glad to belong to a church that prioritizes the safety of its members over gathering in the traditional sense.  I'm grateful for their innovative way of using technology to make people feel connected at a time when isolation is the norm.  And most of all, I'm grateful for a church that realizes that a church is NOT a building, but the people of God living out the Gospel in their daily lives.

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