Sunday, December 20, 2020

Church Christmas Program


Just like all of our Christmas traditions, Trinity's Christmas program looked quite a bit different this year.  I was proud of both of my kids, who jumped at the chance to participate.  The theme was the ABCs of Christmas and each family was given a letter with a saying to memorize.  We had O is for Omega.  The kids memorized their lines beautifully and we sent the video to Pastor Kari who pieced all the videos together to make the whole alphabet.  Livi also was part of the music video nativity story and got to run around and play an angel at the park.  She had so much fun doing this and really encompassed the joy that Christmas is all about.  I also had a new experience of recording a live piano part to a youtube recording using earbuds.  Then they put my piano recording together with the recording of one of our members singing.  I was absolutely shocked at how flawlessly the timing worked out.  The pandemic has certainly made us practice creativity and ingenuity!  It was fun to be a part of it!  

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