Monday, April 26, 2021

Cabin Getaway


Since we have such a beautiful cabin and forest to explore, we decided to do a cabin overnight weekend with the kids.  They all really enjoyed syrup season, and with the use of the side-by-side and ATV, the whole family can explore the trails together.  Simon was obsessed with the water, and despite repeated warnings to stay back, he ran right into the pond in the game opening and got soaking wet.  He really seems to have a sixth sense for putting himself in danger.  

We saw lots of wildlife, mostly different kinds of birds including sandhill cranes, turkeys, ducks, and geese.  The big kids found tadpoles in the creek.  Miles was  in heaven chasing the geese and ducks around the pond.   The big geese just honked at him and he had a blast chasing them from one end of the pond to the other.  All was well until later Friday evening, when I woke up with a really bad stomach ache.  Not sure why or how, but I ended up with the stomach flu and was sicker than I had been in years.  It was absolutely miserable.  After a few hours of being sick and cleaning every up, I finally was able to get back to sleep.  I felt much better in the morning, though still a little weak.  

Saturday was pretty cold and rainy.  We went on some walks (though I was still moving pretty slowly) and rides on the ATVs.  The kids really had a good time and Grandma and Grandpa joined us for supper that evening.  Because of my rough night, we decided that Simon and I would come home to sleep and join Eric and the big kids in the morning.  After a good night's sleep was had by all, we went on one last ride through the trails back by Eric's old deer stand.  It was absolutely beautiful back there in the woods, though it was still pretty chilly.

We had a fun time and decided we need to utilize the cabin more...Eric said he would even consider getting his own ATV!  It's such a special place and I hope our family will continue to enjoy it for years to come!

Friday, April 23, 2021

One on One

Though we have had lots of together time over the past few months, one-on-one time with each of the kids has been more scarce.  We have tried to make time for parent-kid dates, even if we have to be a little creative.  Livi really likes to get a Briar House drink and go and sit by the lake at Hodag Park, read books, and hang out together.  I think that she especially likes that I let her sit in the front seat of the van in the parking lot.  

Nolan and I like to get a special drink too, and we ran some other errands together.  Both kids really enjoyed checking out Forth Floral's greenhouse, which was a welcome warm oasis on some of the cooler days.  They are both such special kids and I treasure these times I get to spend with each of them.

Friday, April 9, 2021


This is such a happy day that it felt like would never come!  Today I got my first vaccination against Covid-19!!!  I got the Moderna brand, and will need to receive the second shot in about a month.  So far I have felt fine aside from a little achiness in my arm...the same as any other vaccine for me.  Eric got his first dose last week and struggled a little more with feeling fluish afterward, but we'll trade it for the payoffs of not having to worry as much about contracting covid!  It is both weird and exciting to think about the doors that open with our vaccines on board...opportunities to gather with friends and family we haven't seen, and just the general feeling of security when we're out and about.  I am so grateful to the amazing scientists who developed this vaccine so quickly so we can get back to a life surrounded by our loved ones!  It has been a long haul!  Now let's hope the vaccine comes quickly for children, so we can leave covid in our dust!

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

April Showers

 I cannot remember a time when the weather was so beautiful in early April that we were able to get out the sprinkler!  They had so much fun with the neighbor kids today pretending it was summer!

Monday, April 5, 2021


I blinked and my youngest turned two.  They say it goes fast, but I'm not sure I ever believe how fast this would all go!  Simon is such a special little guy.  Being the youngest, he really is everybody's baby.  His siblings have such a special relationship with him and love seeing things through his eyes.  I also think it has been fun for them to see how babies and toddlers learn and language develops, how movement advances - it's all so miraculous!

It was a beautiful day on his actual birthday, so we spent the afternoon out at the cabin with Grandpa Steve finishing up the syrup project for the year.  Simon loves riding in the side by side and eating snacks, so he was very happy with this plan.  When Daddy got home from work, we had a piece of cake together.  He loved hearing the Happy Birthday song and fuffing out the candle.  He also got a new balance bike, but was a little unsure of it and wasn't quite ready to give it a try.

Simon, you are so special to us.  Your wildness, big cheesy grin, and sweet snuggles make us all smile. You are fiercely independent and like to do things your own way on your own timeframe.  You are fearless and bold, but kind-hearted and tender.  You love chocolate and ice cream maybe even more than I do! I am so thankful for the privilege of being your mommy.  Happy 2nd Birthday, sweet Simon!
You are so very loved!!

Happy Birthday, Simon!

 Last year, Simon's first birthday was not quite what we envisioned.  I had planned an adorable Peanuts birthday party for him (since his little round head made him look like Charlie Brown), but after I sent out the invitations, I had to cancel because our state went into lockdown due to Covid-19.  We decided to do our best to give Simon a wonderful second birthday party.  I happily handed the cake-making reins over to Eric, who professed that making a cake wasn't that hard.  We found an adorable Cookie Monster cake idea on Pinterest that looked reasonably easy to execute.  He quickly discovered that cake making is a giant time suck, and though it turned out absolutely adorable, we are a purchased-cake family from now on...

We had an Easter egg hunt, which all of the kids loved.  Simon was obsessed with the little trucks he found in his eggs.  All three of my kids were overjoyed to get to spend time with their cousin, Everett, whom they have not seen very much in the last year.  They had so much fun playing in the backyard.  Livi was a great big sister/cousin and helped Everett find toys to play with.  Simon loved the Happy Birthday song and blowing out the candle so much that we had to do it a couple of times.  And boy, did that boy LOVE his chocolate cake.  It was such a fun day, made even sweeter by all of his family members coming to spend the day with us.  Happy Birthday, Simon!