We saw lots of wildlife, mostly different kinds of birds including sandhill cranes, turkeys, ducks, and geese. The big kids found tadpoles in the creek. Miles was in heaven chasing the geese and ducks around the pond. The big geese just honked at him and he had a blast chasing them from one end of the pond to the other. All was well until later Friday evening, when I woke up with a really bad stomach ache. Not sure why or how, but I ended up with the stomach flu and was sicker than I had been in years. It was absolutely miserable. After a few hours of being sick and cleaning every up, I finally was able to get back to sleep. I felt much better in the morning, though still a little weak.
Saturday was pretty cold and rainy. We went on some walks (though I was still moving pretty slowly) and rides on the ATVs. The kids really had a good time and Grandma and Grandpa joined us for supper that evening. Because of my rough night, we decided that Simon and I would come home to sleep and join Eric and the big kids in the morning. After a good night's sleep was had by all, we went on one last ride through the trails back by Eric's old deer stand. It was absolutely beautiful back there in the woods, though it was still pretty chilly.
We had a fun time and decided we need to utilize the cabin more...Eric said he would even consider getting his own ATV! It's such a special place and I hope our family will continue to enjoy it for years to come!