Sunday, April 4, 2021


Last year's Easter looked so different in lockdown, with no church service and no gathering.  This year was another step closer to normal!  I played piano for a worship service at Trinity.  There were precautions in place - masks to be worn by all, assigned seating in the pews, no congregational singing, and communion in individually wrapped packages.  However, it still felt good to get my fingers on those keys and felt more like Easter than the previous one.  

Our kids got a little spoiled by the Easter Bunny this year, with new sand toys, art supplies, books, video games, trucks, sunglasses, and plenty of yummy candy.  Olivia wore the Easter dress that Grandma Edie made for me when I was in Kindergarten.  It was precious to have that part of her with us as we celebrated.  It is so hard, especially on holidays, to not have her here.  

We hosted a yummy brunch with our parents and Grandma Ruby.  We had egg bake, ham, homemade rolls, cheesy hashbrowns, and fruit.  It felt so good to be together after so long apart.  This spring has been such a season of hope, with the arrival of vaccines for the pandemic.  We look forward to a not-to-distant future when we can back to some of our normal life and activities and be free to gather with our loved ones with worry.  Happy Easter!

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