Friday, April 9, 2021


This is such a happy day that it felt like would never come!  Today I got my first vaccination against Covid-19!!!  I got the Moderna brand, and will need to receive the second shot in about a month.  So far I have felt fine aside from a little achiness in my arm...the same as any other vaccine for me.  Eric got his first dose last week and struggled a little more with feeling fluish afterward, but we'll trade it for the payoffs of not having to worry as much about contracting covid!  It is both weird and exciting to think about the doors that open with our vaccines on board...opportunities to gather with friends and family we haven't seen, and just the general feeling of security when we're out and about.  I am so grateful to the amazing scientists who developed this vaccine so quickly so we can get back to a life surrounded by our loved ones!  It has been a long haul!  Now let's hope the vaccine comes quickly for children, so we can leave covid in our dust!

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