Friday, April 23, 2021

One on One

Though we have had lots of together time over the past few months, one-on-one time with each of the kids has been more scarce.  We have tried to make time for parent-kid dates, even if we have to be a little creative.  Livi really likes to get a Briar House drink and go and sit by the lake at Hodag Park, read books, and hang out together.  I think that she especially likes that I let her sit in the front seat of the van in the parking lot.  

Nolan and I like to get a special drink too, and we ran some other errands together.  Both kids really enjoyed checking out Forth Floral's greenhouse, which was a welcome warm oasis on some of the cooler days.  They are both such special kids and I treasure these times I get to spend with each of them.

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