Friday, September 17, 2021

Field Trip to Wildwood Zoo

Our first field trip with the Vadis girls was to the Wildwood Zoo in Minocqua.  We went earlier in the summer with Grandma Patti, but thought it would still be a fun outing, especially in the fall when the temperatures were cooler and it was even less crowded.  There were two new baby giraffes to see since we were there last and they were absolutely adorable!!  Another new addition was the snow leopards, which Livi was really excited about.  Simon and Nolan were over the moon about the turtles, especially the giant tortoise in the petting zoo, as well as the super soft baby bunnies in the petting zoo.  All of the kids really enjoyed snuggling them.  With extra supervision along, the kids were able to play at the playground and dig in the sand in the dinosaur excavation area.  It was so nice to have extra adults/big kids to help keep track of Simon.  This was probably the most relaxing outing I've been on with him because I didn't have to keep track of everyone all by myself!  We finished up our day with a picnic and then ice cream at Kilwin's in downtown Minocqua.  

It was such a fun day spent with friends.  This partnership we have between our families is such a blessing and I look forward to our many adventures this school year!

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