Saturday, March 12, 2016

Taste of Spring!

Today was such a beautiful day - 55 degrees and sunny - and the kids, Miles, and I went out for our first walk to Hodag Park.  This was the first time Nolan had to walk himself instead of being pushed in the stroller, and I was unsure of how I was going to do navigating him, Miles, and pushing Livi.  Miles was such a good boy - so patient and well mannered, staying right beside the stroller.  Nolan helped to push Livi and listened SO well about staying close and watching for cars.  I was proud of all of us!

Even though everyone was well behaved, it was still hard to get a picture of a squirmy dog, infant, and 3 year old old!

Livi was a good sport and remained smiley through the whole walk.  She's such a good girl.

I was really proud of Nolan because he made a new friend at the park and was really sweet and friendly.  I think he enjoyed the swings the most.  I was really happy about how well he listened when it was time to leave.  Transitions can be hard for him, and he obeyed right away without any fuss.  Yay, buddy!

When we got home, he thought he'd clean up the yard a little bit and put all the big sticks in a pile.  Such a good helper boy!

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