Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Sieverts visit!

This weekend Bret, Stacy, and Camryn came up to visit.  We haven't seen them since Thanksgiving, so we were glad to have the opportunity to catch up!  It was especially fun this time, as Nolan is getting older and he and Cam are really enjoying playing together.  They spent a lot of their time together this weekend playing games together, or playing pretend, or on someones' phone...  It was really fun to watch them interact.

We went out to dinner at Holiday Acres on Friday night.  Nolan just LOVES to go there, so it was a real treat for him.  He loves to order corndogs and lemonade, and always has to eat some of Mommy's mac and cheese from the buffet.

On Saturday evening, the Ory crew came to our house for pizza.  Camryn really was enamored with Olivia and helped with her bath.  She got to hold her and liked to ask questions about her.  It was very sweet.

I stumbled upon this picture from last year in March when the came to visit.  It's amazing how much they grow and mature in a year!
Nolan and Camryn, March 2015

Nolan and Camryn, March 2016

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