I have been enthralled with horses for as long as I can remember. Before I was lucky enough to have one of my own, I spent hours doodling pictures in notebooks, collecting stickers and figurines, and read every horse book I could get my hands on. My dream came true when I got my very own pony, Sandy, around age 8. I loved riding her and braiding her mane and thought she was the most beautiful pony in the world. As I got older, I grew...and grew...and grew...and pretty soon my little pony was not large enough for me. Throughout my childhood, I was lucky enough to have a myriad of different wonderful horses. Hubie was my main man and carried me safely to many victories (and a few defeats) in all sorts of showing events over the eight years I owned him. He had a hilarious personality and I adored him. But show horses (even great ones) eventually need to retire, so Hubie went to teach some other kids how to ride at another farm near my parents.
Cues Silent Skipper (Hubie), Mom, and I at the Rochester Classic AQHA show in 1999 |
After a few failed match-making attempts, I finally found my next partner in Elliot. Elliot was stunning and tall and so very gentle. He needed some work to get him to the show pen, but he had the willing and unflappable attitude I needed in my next show horse. I worked hard with him, and he continued to excel, and we accomplished a goal I had set for myself ten years prior...to earn my first point at an AQHA show.
I have now owned Elliot for ten years. He has developed some pretty significant lameness issues and his career as a show horse is likely over. This past weekend I got to visit him at my parents' house and share him with my son, and it really doesn't get much better than that.
When I got on Elliot, it was like no time had passed. I thought it; he did it. We worked smoothly like the team we always were, and it made me so happy to have that feeling again. I miss him and I wish I could ride more often. I'm so grateful that my parents were willing to dive into the horse world and allow their horse-crazy little girl's dream come true. My horse-related memories are some of the sweetest and most special memories I have with my mom. And now, I am beyond blessed to be able to share this love of horses with my children, too.