Monday, May 30, 2016


We capped off our Memorial weekend celebration with a backyard campfire.  Nolan was really excited to cook our hotdogs over the fire and for s'mores!  

Miles was quite unsure about the fire and watched it closely from a safe distance behind Daddy.
 With Eric being gone so much throughout May, our family hasn't had quite as much together time as sometimes.  It was nice to just relax and enjoy the beautiful evening together!

Boat ride

We finally got out on the first pontoon ride of the year.  It was a beautiful day on Memorial Day, so after running a few errands and stopping to visit Great Grandpa Dick's grave, we headed out on the river for a few hours with Grandpa Steve, Grandma Patti, and Great Grandma Ruby.  Nolan absolutely loves the boat and I'm not sure what part of it he loves the best...the company of his parents/grandparents, driving the boat, or the snacks!  (I do think it's mostly the snacks...)

Though Livi technically went on her first boat ride last summer, this was the first one that she was actually awake for.  She was mostly indifferent, as expected, but was determined to crawl around and check everything out.  She's getting to that stage where she just doesn't want to be still!

It was a fun and relaxing way to spend the day together and look forward to lots of time spent on the pontoon this summer!  

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Livi goes viral!

Livi woke up with some pretty crazy bedhead this morning and Eric put it on Twitter, tagging actor Wil Wheaton who often posts pictures of his own crazy bedhead.  Eric was positively giddy when Wil Wheaton retweeted Livi's picture to his 3 million followers, calling Livi adorable. His tweet was retweeted several dozen more times and had nearly 500 likes.  The internet thinks our baby is cute!  I mean, who doesn't?!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Grandpa Jim and Grandma Marcia visit!

My parents came to visit for the holiday weekend and, as expected, Nolan was elated.  He's always so happy to see his grandparents and loves to play and goof around with them.  Grandma and Grandpa came with a few presents in tow - one was a really cool Superman sweatshirt, complete with a cape and the other was Nolan's very first fishing pole! Nolan thought both of these things were pretty cool and insisted on wearing his Superman cape and rain boots everywhere he went.  He reminded me of the little kid "Frankenstein" in the Adam Sandler movie, Big Daddy.  He's so cute.

His outfit got even more snappy with the addition of his bike helmet later in the day!

Grandpa Jim took Nolan down to the dock at Hodag Park on Saturday afternoon.  Nolan managed to drop his pole into the water, so Grandpa had to catch it with his pole and rescue it!  Fortunately they also caught a few fish - 6 bluegill!  Nolan was not particularly interested in touching the fish or the worms, but was extremely focused on saying hello to each and every person that entered the park that afternoon.

Nolan still remains to be an early riser, so Grandma and Grandpa took him down to the dock a second time at 6am Sunday morning.  They caught two bluegill, but Nolan managed to hold onto his pole this time.

Grandma and Grandpa also doted on Livi, snuggling with her and watching all her new "tricks."  She's so cute and fun!  Here's Livi and Grandma Marcia after bathtime:

We're glad they could visit and are so glad that they are so devoted to making memories with our kids.  Our kids are both so lucky to have such loving grandparents!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

A few cute pictures to share

Little Bunny Lu Lu is keeping warm in her bunny suit on this 40 degree May day!

Look at that adorable mug!

Here's Nolan at the library for Storytime.  He made this self portrait and I was so proud of him for his drawing and coloring.  His fine motor skills are really developing!

Such a cutie!

We went out for breakfast this morning and my hollow-legged little guy at two HUGE adult sized pieces of French Toast and 4 slices of bacon!!!!

I don't think they come any sweeter than this!


Last night Eric and Steve returned from a week long trip to Rottne in Sweden.  There was a international distributors meeting at which Eric would be presenting, and meetings/training with several of the Rottne executives.  As expected, Eric nailed his presentation and did a wonderful job representing US Forestry Distribution.

While they were at the factory, Rottne unveiled a brand new prototype for their F11 Forwarder.  They toasted in Swedish and had celebratory champagne!

Of course the trip wasn't without its bumps.  While Eric was packing before he left, I suggested he leave his Star Wars and Nintendo shirts at home and take something more professional for his trip. I also suggested he put his basic toiletries in his carry on.  However,  he "fuffed" at me and so I let it go.  It was no surprise when Eric arrived in Sweden and he told me that his luggage was lost.  This meant that until his luggage was found, he would have to choose between his Star Wars X Wing t-shirt or his Nintendo "Keep it Classic" t-shirt - the only clothes he had with him in his carry-on. So, my husband "Kept it classic" and met the president of Rottne in his Nintendo shirt.  So proud.

Despite the luggage blunder, I know that Eric did a great job representing the company and even had the opportunity to speak German with some natives, which was pretty exciting for him.  I'm proud of him and am sure he'll be going back, hopefully next time with me in tow!  


Monday was one of the worst days of my life.  I hate to even write about it, but it is part of our story so here it goes:

I was driving the kids home from running errands and Livi had fallen asleep in her carseat.  I pulled into our driveway, and was pleading with Nolan to stay quiet while I carefully was going to carry my sleeping sweetie in to her crib without waking her.  I left the car running so the white noise of the engine would help her stay asleep (I generally have the bringing sleeping kids in from the car thing down to a science...) and recall that my door was locked.  I thought that was weird, but unlocked the door and walked around to her passenger side automatic sliding door.  I went to open it but the door froze up and let out a beep I hadn't heard before.  I assumed that something was jammed up and needed to be reset, so I leaned across the front passenger door to turn the van off, thinking that would solve the problem.  The second I hit the power button, the van started rolling down the hill of our driveway, heading toward the big hill of Hodag Park, the dugout, and the lake!  All I could think of in the moment was that my babies were going to go in the water and I have never been so scared in all my life.  I was still stuck in the passenger door, so instinct told me to turn the steering wheel as hard as I could to slow the momentum and that hopefully when the van hit the curb it would stop.  But the van started rolling faster and I was being dragged with it.  I lost my shoe and started to fall down and was worried I was going to get run over.  It went right over the curb and continued a bit further, almost to the bleachers for the baseball field.  At that point, I ran as quickly as I could and pushed the emergency brake to make sure the van couldn't move again.  Livi never woke up and Nolan thought it was fun and wanted to know why Mommy fell down in the street.  I managed to drive the van back into the driveway, get both kids down for a nap, and then I lost it.  Looking back, I clearly must have forgotten to put the van in park and to think that my babies were in danger because of my mistake was unthinkable.  I cannot begin to imagine what could've happened had any of the events gone differently.  I ended up with some pretty awful bumps and bruises, but we were SO incredibly lucky to be safe.

I remember in the midst of things that this just couldn't be happening to us.  This was something you read about happening, not something that could actually happen.  I feel so terrible that my mistake put my babies in danger, but am so incredibly thankful that we're all okay.  Praise God!

Sibling love

The other day I was driving around with my kiddos and heard Nolan say to Livi, "I'm so glad you came out of Mommy's tummy. I really like you."  Before I had two kids I never imagined the amazing and beautiful bond that my kids would have.  It is one of my greatest joys in parenting to watch the two of them love each other.  I know that they have a friend for life in their sibling, and that is surely a comforting thought.

Playing Platypus :)

Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day

Here's to strong women.
May we know them.
May we be them.
May we raise them.

I am fortunate.  I am fortunate to a be a product of strong, capable, independent, loving, fierce, devoted, and generous women.  My mother and grandmothers have instilled in me a belief that I can accomplish anything.  By their example, I have learned how to work hard, handle adversity with grace, and be a loving mother and wife.  I got to spend the past weekend with my Mom, Grandma Edie, and Grandma D.  As I looked at the 4 generations gathered together, I was moved.  It was beautiful to see my grandmothers, spunky as ever, and my mom, positively glowing, enjoy snuggling my precious little Olivia.  I know that she will be strong, and capable, and loving as she grows because she has generations of strength behind her.   And that is the best Mother's Day gift of all.  (Except for maybe my chop saw...)

Weekend in Eau Claire

This past weekend, I took the kids to Eau Claire to visit my parents.  Eric was out of town on a business trip to Vermont, so I thought it would be nice to spend some time there, and get some help with the kiddos.  Our weekend was jam-packed!  We went shopping, went out to eat, rode horse, and saw all the great-grandparents.  

While Mom, Livi and I attended a baby shower for my cousin, Jenna, Nolan and Grandpa Jim headed to Uncle Chris' farm to see the calves and the baby kittens.  Unsurprisingly, Nolan was afraid of the calves because they were too noisy.  But, the kitties were a major, major hit.  

He really wanted to bring one home!  Here is the video of Nolan trying to find the mother cat:  (No kittens were permanently harmed in the making of this video.)

Later that evening, Nolan got to have his first ever campfire.  He worked diligently with Grandpa Jim, collecting sticks out of the woods and breaking them into smaller pieces for kindling.  We told him to stop and sit for a minute, but he said, "No, I have a job to do!" and kept working.  I guess he's got a little Great Grandpa Frank in him after all...!

After building a nice fire and counting the stars on the beautiful, clear night, Nolan made his first s'more.  As expected, it was a hit!

We had a wonderful time and made lots of sweet memories together over the course of the weekend.  My kids both adore their grandparents and it is so fun for me to see my parents in that role.  

The love of horses

I have been enthralled with horses for as long as I can remember.  Before I was lucky enough to have one of my own, I spent hours doodling pictures in notebooks, collecting stickers and figurines, and read every horse book I could get my hands on.  My dream came true when I got my very own pony, Sandy, around age 8.  I loved riding her and braiding her mane and thought she was the most beautiful pony in the world.  As I got older, I grew...and grew...and grew...and pretty soon my little pony was not large enough for me. Throughout my childhood, I was lucky enough to have a myriad of different wonderful horses.  Hubie was my main man and carried me safely to many victories (and a few defeats) in all sorts of showing events over the eight years I owned him.  He had a hilarious personality and I adored him.  But show horses (even great ones) eventually need to retire, so Hubie went to teach some other kids how to ride at another farm near my parents.  
Cues Silent Skipper (Hubie), Mom, and I at the Rochester Classic AQHA show in 1999

After a few failed match-making attempts, I finally found my next partner in Elliot.  Elliot was stunning and tall and so very gentle.  He needed some work to get him to the show pen, but he had the willing and unflappable attitude I needed in my next show horse.  I worked hard with him, and he continued to excel, and we accomplished a goal I had set for myself ten years earn my first point at an AQHA show.  

I have now owned Elliot for ten years.  He has developed some pretty significant lameness issues and his career as a show horse is likely over.  This past weekend I got to visit him at my parents'  house and share him with my son, and it really doesn't get much better than that.  

When I got on Elliot, it was like no time had passed.  I thought it; he did it.  We worked smoothly like the team we always were, and it made me so happy to have that feeling again.  I miss him and I wish I could ride more often.   I'm so grateful that my parents were willing to dive into the horse world and allow their horse-crazy little girl's dream come true.  My horse-related memories are some of the sweetest and most special memories I have with my mom.  And now, I am beyond blessed to be able to share this love of horses with my children, too.