Saturday, May 28, 2016

Grandpa Jim and Grandma Marcia visit!

My parents came to visit for the holiday weekend and, as expected, Nolan was elated.  He's always so happy to see his grandparents and loves to play and goof around with them.  Grandma and Grandpa came with a few presents in tow - one was a really cool Superman sweatshirt, complete with a cape and the other was Nolan's very first fishing pole! Nolan thought both of these things were pretty cool and insisted on wearing his Superman cape and rain boots everywhere he went.  He reminded me of the little kid "Frankenstein" in the Adam Sandler movie, Big Daddy.  He's so cute.

His outfit got even more snappy with the addition of his bike helmet later in the day!

Grandpa Jim took Nolan down to the dock at Hodag Park on Saturday afternoon.  Nolan managed to drop his pole into the water, so Grandpa had to catch it with his pole and rescue it!  Fortunately they also caught a few fish - 6 bluegill!  Nolan was not particularly interested in touching the fish or the worms, but was extremely focused on saying hello to each and every person that entered the park that afternoon.

Nolan still remains to be an early riser, so Grandma and Grandpa took him down to the dock a second time at 6am Sunday morning.  They caught two bluegill, but Nolan managed to hold onto his pole this time.

Grandma and Grandpa also doted on Livi, snuggling with her and watching all her new "tricks."  She's so cute and fun!  Here's Livi and Grandma Marcia after bathtime:

We're glad they could visit and are so glad that they are so devoted to making memories with our kids.  Our kids are both so lucky to have such loving grandparents!

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