Thursday, January 19, 2017


My friend, Michelle, started making these amazingly stunning paper cuttings several years ago.  Stacking together several sheets of cardstock, she cuts away layers of different depth with an exacto knife.  The results are these stunning one of a kind pieces of art that take her dozens of hours to complete.  I recently commissioned her to do a portrait of Olivia for Eric for Christmas.  I cannot get over the exquisite detail that she achieved.  It is just so cool.

Michelle had also done a portrait of Nolan as a baby, as well as a memorial gift of Reggie after her passed away in 2011.  I recently hung all of them together in a group in our family room.  

Later that day, I was snuggling with Miles on the couch, when I noticed he was on alert, starting intently with his ears perked up.  At first I thought he was staring at the TV, but a moment later it was apparent that he was FREAKED OUT by the picture of Reggie.  He leaped off the couch and started pacing in front of it, ducking, with his tail in between his legs.  And then, he started growling! (I've never heard him growl before!)  I had to take the picture off the wall and show him there was no animal there before he would finally settle down and relax.  Such a weirdo!!

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