Thursday, January 12, 2017

Library Love

Just had to share these sweet picture of the kids at the library for Storytime! As Livi is getting bigger, she is able to participate more and more. Today she got to play with PlayDoh after the stories.  She loves it there and doesn't want to leave.  In fact, today Mr. Tom had to bring her out to get her coat on after Storytime, as she was NOT ready to go and wanted nothing to do with me.  Little girl loves her library!

I was so proud of Nolan today.  Though he loves the librarians, and Storytime in general, he struggles with group participation.  He shuts down when it is time to sing or do a dance or actions, and will not join in.  He gets very anxious and if I try to demonstrate or encourage him, it gets worse.  But today, he participated with EVERYTHING!  He did the snowman actions with Mr Tom, and got into the circle with the group, and even allowed me to sing and do the actions to Frosty the Snowman.  It made me soooo happy to see this happen.  I have been worried about this particular obstacle a lot lately, especially with 4K coming round the bend this fall.  I want his classmates and teachers to see the Nolan that I know and love - the bubbly, smart, fun, outgoing, kind, and loving little boy that he is.  I am hoping that maybe after such a positive experience today, he'll keep it up!  Way to go, buddy!

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