Tuesday, January 31, 2017


I can't believe it, but our Olivia is almost 18 months old.  Her personality is blossoming and we are finding out more and more about our darling, and opinionated, little daughter.  She is extremely cuddly and sweet and is a really good helper.  She'll help pick up toys, put books on the shelf, help wipe off her tray with a rag, and always makes sure I have my phone and Nolan has his green baba.  She is confident and extremely sure of herself.  Olivia is a chatty girl and is learning new words every day.  She says "door" anytime she wants something opened, and makes a whole bunch of adorable animal noises.  She is constantly taking roll call of our family and will yell "No-ahn", "Da-eee", "Mama" and "My-My" all day long.  She also is very assertive when she doesn't want something, scolding "no" in a forceful voice, and sometimes resorting to hitting when she doesn't get her way.  If there is ever a situation she feels in unjust, she lets us know with this intense machine-gun sounding fake cry.  We hear this about 5000000 times a day.  She loves to dance and to wear grown up shoes.  Her super fine and soft hair is finally long enough to put into pigtails, and there just isn't much cuter than Livi with her piggies.  Oh, Baby Girl, we love you so much!

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