Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Doggie sleepover

Last week, our parents left for their annual trip to Mexico together, which meant that Roxy came to spend the week with us.  The kids were so excited to have her here.  I'm not so sure she shared their enthusiasm...at least for the first day or two.  Roxy was not super thrilled being under a constant attack of over-eager petting from the two youngest humans and the almost constant attention from the spotted clown dog.  

But by the end of Day Two, everyone hit their stride.  The novelty of having her here had somewhat worn off and Roxy figured out that she could sneak onto the couch and snuggle in for a nice, long nap.  Sometimes the kids joined her, which she didn't seem to mind too much.  The change in Miles was amazing.  With an older, low key, confident dog here, he didn't bark in the yard or need as much attention from us.  He was far less anxious and much more relaxed, though she did teach him her naughty couch napping habit.  It *almost* made me consider getting a second dog - if only from the perspective that it might make him less work. 

We had to laugh though, because Miles taught Roxy one naughty habit, too.  When Steve came to pick up his beloved companion, he walked over to the gate, and found BOTH of them standing there with their paws up on the gate.  Awfully undignified for Miss Perfectly Behaved Princess Roxy!

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