Sunday, February 19, 2017

sweet and tender moments

Last night, as I was running all over the house getting things picked up and things ready for bedtime, I looked in my room and saw my two precious babies snuggled in my bed together.  Little Livi was sucking on her thumb, with her other little hand curled around her pink baba, rubbing it up against her nose...the same way she does every night when she's tired.  Nolan was snuggled into my pillows with his green baba close by, giggling because he was excited that Livi was in there with him. Man, these moments are precious...and fleeting!

I picked up Livi and took her in her room to rock her with her bottle.  We read "Find the Puppy" for the dozenth time today, turned her lamp off, and she snuggled in.  I rocked my sweet baby girl to sleep and laid her down in her crib.  

As I came out from Livi's room, Nolan was waiting for me, excitedly showing me his new favorite book that he wanted me to read from - "A Light in the Attic" by Shel Silverstein.  He was nervous about sleeping upstairs all alone since Daddy was gone to the cabin, so I got my little buddy all tucked into my bed for the night.  We read our stories and listened to the Okee Dokee Brothers until he fell asleep.  

When it was time for me to join him in bed later that evening, I had to laugh.  Little man sleeps in the weirdest positions.  He was in my spot with his feet on my pillow and his head totally under the covers.  I gently rolled him into his spot, and he proceeded to sit completely upright, look at me, smile with heavy, blinking eyes, and curl up on his tummy, like a little turtle.  He rustled around for quite a while, until he snuggled up close to me and fell into a deep sleep.  As I laid next to my precious son, I couldn't help but smile and reminisce.  I watched him take his slow and restful breaths, and marveled at his beautiful, long eyelashes  I thought about when he was a little baby and he used to sleep with me in bed, because it was the only way either of us could get any sleep. And I thanked God for entrusting me with these beautiful children that I get to call mine.  

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