Monday, February 27, 2017

Family Wausau Day

After several weeks of being cooped up with a cold, I was feeling really antsy about getting out and about.  We decided to take the kids to Wausau for the day for some shopping and food.  I discovered a few months ago that the kids and I can spend hours in Target if I get them a bag of popcorn and set them up in the cart with it.  So, we meandered around Target for quite a while, browsing and picking up a few new items - most importantly a NEW HIGHCHAIR!  I have HATED the high chair we've had for the last four years with an intense passion.  It is the worst designed baby gear I have ever used.  It has a million crevices and cracks where food can get stuck and it is impossible to clean.  So, I was positively giddy to bring home a new one!!

We stopped at a few more stores before heading to one of Eric and my favorite restaurants, The Red Eye Brewing Company.  They use a lot of fresh, local ingredients and have really creative and unique food.  Surprisingly, the kids were AWESOME!  They were so well behaved and used great manners.  I was really proud of them and it was so fun to be able to take them someplace nice and have it be so successful.  

After lunch, we headed to Sweet Lola's.  I've been wanting to go there for a long time, so I was super excited to take the kids there to pick out a few special treats.  Their cupcakes were absolutely beautiful.  It was so hard to decide what to pick!  We brought home six special treats to share and sample and each one of them was unbelievably tasty.

We've been working really, really hard lately with our Love and Logic parenting techniques, and they've been working so well! The few pre-meltdown moments that happened in Wausau were so easily diffused, without force or frustration.  It made a whole day, nap-free activity possible and even fun!  Both of our kids did awesome, and it makes us want to do more fun outings with them!

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