Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Prayers for Amy

When I moved to Rhinelander, I expected to grow even closer to Eric's family. What I didn't necessarily expect was the amazing community of family friends that would enrich our lives in a plethora of ways.  One of the Orys long term family friends is the Frasier family.  Nancy is an honorary Schuldt sister, joining us for occasions like Crustfest, birthdays, and even the vacation to Mexico that our parents take together.  So, naturally when her daughter, Amy, was pregnant with Macy at the same time I was pregnant with Nolan, there was a lot of excitement to go around.  When the babies were born, we dubbed them "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" and loved every opportunity to get them together.

Last week we received some unthinkable news.  Amy, age 39, has Stage IV breast cancer, that has metastasized to her lymph nodes and bones, including her spine.  She is one of the most health conscious people I've ever met and is now the mother of three beautiful little ones.  To say this is devastating is a gross understatement.  I've been struggling to process this; As a fellow mom in her thirties, it just hits so close to home.  On this side of parenthood, I so deeply sympathize with the pain and agony of facing this kind of nightmare.  I can only imagine how betrayed she must feel by her own body and how devastating it must be to not know what the future holds, especially for her precious babies.

A beautiful part of life, even in the midst of this disaster, is that there is always hope.  I know Amy is a very strong and determined person, and she will fight this cancer with everything she has.  We know that God is watching over her and her family.  We know she can beat this.

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