Monday, February 19, 2018

Week 7: My Funny Valentine

This year Valentine's Day fell on a school day for Nolan, but my littlest valentine and I made sugar cookie cutouts while he was at school.  This was really Livi's first baking "helper" role and she loved the opportunity to watch the mixer, dump in the ingredients, cut out the cookies, and of course, lick the spatula.  

Nolan got to pass out valentines for the first time ever, and I was proud of him for writing his classmates' names all on his own.  He made a Valentine box at school out of an old cereal box and was really excited because he got not one, but two ringpops!

Eric and I didn't get to celebrate much on the actual holiday because I had to play for church, but we were able to get away for an awesome date night on the weekend at Brown St 151.  Valentine's Day isn't really that important of a holiday to me, but I  do enjoy the opportunity to show my sweeties how much I love them!

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