Monday, February 26, 2018

School Conferences

We recently had Nolan's school conferences and we are so proud of how our little buddy is doing in school.  He mastered most of the 4K curriculum earlier this fall, but has been continuing to work on his letter sounds and has since learned to read.  He is reading Level 1 and some Level 2 books with ease and is reading a lot - sometimes up to 100 pages in a sitting!  His teacher is going to be providing him with some enrichment activities to do during centers because he is mastering concepts at lightning speed.  Best of all, Mrs. Powell said that Nolan is a great leader in the classroom and is a person she relies on when she needs help.  She said he is a good friend and is kind and considerate to his classmates.  He is good about sharing.  Hearing this about our son makes us so proud of the wonderful little guy that he is.  It is so exciting to see what his future will hold!  

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