Thursday, March 1, 2018


Never fails that when Eric is gone for work, one of the kids gets sick.  Nolan woke me up before the sun on Thursday morning with a horrifically tight and barky sounding cough.  I called the 24 hour nurse line and she recommended that I bring him in right away that morning to be seen by the doctor.  The doctor gave him steroids and by that afternoon, he was feeling much better and his cough was much looser.  He was feeling so well the next morning that I decided to take him down to Wausau for the day as we had originally planned.  It wasn't until much later that evening that things started to go quickly downhill.  He was feverish and crying and just felt awful.  I felt awful too - like a bad mom that had taken her kid out and about when he should have been home in bed.  He still had a fever the next morning, but spent the bulk of the day in his room with the cool mist humidifier going.  By that evening his fever was under control and so was his cough...just in time for Daddy to get home!  I'm so glad little buddy is feeling better!

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