Monday, July 30, 2018

Pee Pee in the Potty!

Livi has finally started making some forward progress with potty training.  As with most things, it has to be her idea.  She says, "I make pee pee water and you say hooray."  She is consistently making her "pee pee water" on the potty - one tiny dribble at a time.  I think she realized early on that she gets a jelly bean each time she goes, so it is best to stretch out each time - a dribble...jelly bean...another dribble...another jelly bean.  Little stinker.  Doesn't surprise she would figure out how to work the system.  She is a clever girl.  I'm hoping to hit it really hard when Nolan heads to school this fall.  Hopefully she'll think that's a good idea, too! 

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