Sunday, July 15, 2018

Week 28: Ocean, Lake, or River

We were lucky enough to be invited up to the Mode/Naatz's cabin again this summer on Big Lake in Land O'Lakes.  Ray and Abby, Aaron and Lauren, and all of their kiddos were there for the Fourth of July, and since we rarely get a chance to see them, we were thrilled to have the opportunity.  We enjoyed paddle boating, splashing around in the water, and a delicious dinner together.  Aaron and Lauren's oldest kid, Liam, and Nolan really hit it off and spent hours acting out Pokémon and Star Wars.  They were two peas in a pod, and although Liam is a few years older, I'm quite certain that if they lived closer, they would be such good friends.  Nolan was so sad to leave him and ended up writing him the sweetest letter when we got home.  It's so hard (for all of us!) when distance separates us from our friends and loved ones!  We had a great time reminiscing and catching up and sincerely hope it won't be so long before our next visit!

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