Sunday, July 8, 2018

Week 27: Summertime

Summertime means water balloon fights and kiddy pools filled with ice cold hose water.  It means sprinklers and fun outside running, laughing,  and playing with friends.  Summertime is for popsicles and snuggling up in cozy warm towels that smell like sunshine.  The grass is green, the flowers are in full bloom, and the yard is filled with all sorts of creatures - birds, frogs, insects of all kinds, squirrels and chipmunks, rabbits, and even the occasional  deer.  Summertime means scraped knees from hours spent riding bikes and climbing around the yard.  It means swings and slides and playing pretend in the playhouse.  It means lugging water to the plants in the garden and enjoying the harvest of fresh produce.  It is my favorite time of year.

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