Saturday, July 7, 2018

Shopping with Livi

While my parents were up visiting for the Fourth, Mom and I decided to take Olivia to the Briarhouse for a little shopping while Dad and Nolan were fishing.  Before we knew it,  Livi had taken some women's boots out of the box and had them on her feet.  She got up, clomping as she went, and proceeded to point out items to Mom and me that she wanted to try on in the dressing room.  If we suggested something, it was a non-starter, but we helped her gather her pile and she disappeared behind the dressing room door.  We could hear her stomping around in those big boots and every once in a while she would open the door and throw out a reject item that didn't meet her expectations and then quickly close the door again.  She came up with some pretty awesome outfit creations and had an absolute blast.  She was also over the moon to have her very first strawberry Italian soda, complete with whipped cream AND pink sprinkles!  This little girl cracks me up!

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