Monday, September 17, 2018

Ory Party of Five

Well,  there's some big news in the Ory House....Baby #3 is on his/her way!!  He/She should be making an appearance around April 2, 2019.  Nolan really struggled with this news at first (change can be so hard for our sweet boy) and there were lots of tears for the first hour or so.  Then we thought that maybe he'd like to come up with a nickname for Baby...and Eric suggested FartMark.  Anything with farts is hilarious, and the tears quickly turned to hysterical laughter.  Once we got him laughing, everything was okay and now I think both Nolan and Olivia are excited for a new little sibling.

I have been struggling a bit more with this pregnancy than the previous two.  I have been A LOT more tired and low key than usual, and have had the hardest time getting projects done, which is very out of character for me.  I have also struggled with nausea and heartburn, though hopefully second trimester will bring some relief.

We are very excited (and of course, a little nervous) for this big change for our family.  We can't wait meet our sweet baby!

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