Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Week 38: Learning

Olivia has always looked up to her big brother, so when he started school this fall she struggled with why she didn't get to school, too!  She's been getting up early and packing her backpack so she is all ready to join him when we drop Nolan at school.  She ends up sobbing frequently when I tell her that she doesn't get to go to school until she is four years old, potty trained, and able to write her own name.  One morning after a particularly heartwrenching sob-fest, she told me she wanted to write her name when we got home.  She did an  AMAZING job.  I wrote the letters on one page and she copied those letters completely on her own on the other page.  We also got her a potty watch that beeps every 45 minutes to tell her to go to the potty.  It works so well for my super independent girl, because the watch tells her it's time to go, not Mom.  She's only had two accidents in over two weeks. I'm nowhere near ready to have my little girl head off to school, but it is fun to see her conquer these milestones and be excited about what's coming next fall!  

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