Monday, September 3, 2018

Week 35: Back to School

My little boy confidently headed off to his first day of Kindergarten this morning.  He was up, dressed, and ready to go by 6:15 this morning.  He told me he was excited, and a little bit scared, and a little bit brave, which sounded like the perfect combination for the first day of a new year.  I've asked to have him evaluated by the school reading and math specialists and I'm quite certain he's met most (if not all) of the kindergarten benchmarks, at least in math and reading.  I'm hopeful the team can figure out a plan that will enrich Nolan's schooling to keep him from getting bored learning things he already knows.  But for now, we will focus on the adjustment to all day, every day school.  It will be a big change for our whole family!  Nolan, we're proud of you and excited for your school adventures to begin!  You will be great!

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