Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The Great Shrew Rescue

The other day, while Eric was setting up the baby monitor, he called upstairs for Livi to come down.  There was a tiny shrew stuck in the window well, frantically trying to climb out the slippery metal sides that he wanted to show her.  Each time it slid back down into the snow and it looked like a hopeless cause for the poor little creature.  I gave Eric *that* look and he knew it was useless to argue with me...he marched out into the waist deep snow to put a wooden bridge into the window well for the shrew to climb up.  Sure enough, within a couple of minutes, it climbed out and scurried away under the deep snow.  A few minutes later a second shrew emerged from the window well, and followed the path of his friend.  My husband; my hero.

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