Friday, February 15, 2019

Valentine's Day

We did a pretty small scale Valentine's celebration this year, but thought it would be meaningful and fun for the kids to wake up to Valentine hearts posted on their bedroom door.  We wrote some of our favorite character qualities about them on the hearts to point out the many amazing things they bring to our family.  For Olivia, we picked determined, helpful, clever, protective, silly, loving, and confident.

For Nolan we chose sensitive, enthusiastic, kind, curious, friendly, caring, and brave.

The kids also received some special presents from their grandparents.  Though many consider Valentine's a special and romantic holiday, Eric and I spent the evening with one of the worst colds of our lives.  We shared the Kleenex box, sucked on cough drops, and dosed up on Sudafed...not quite the evening we had hoped for.  Regardless, the kids felt loved and special and we are grateful for the love found in our family.

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