Thursday, February 7, 2019

Three and a Half

At three and a half, this little lady makes us smile a million times a day.  She is spunky, sassy, and very lovable.  She is extremely clever, which can make her a challenge to parent at times.  She loves playing pretend and has a wonderful imagination.

 Here are some of her favorite things:

Horses, especially "her girl, Elliot"
kitty cats (she likes to pretend she is one frequently)
playing outside (she usually cries when she has to come back in)
wearing fancy clothes and playing dress up
Spirit the horse
Bubble Guppies
thumb sucking
Llama Llama books
Search and Find books
her doll, Cindy
making our family laugh
pink baba
Elsa and the other Disney princesses
Ranch dressing

We couldn't possibly love you any more, Little Noodle!  Keep being wonderful YOU!

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