Friday, April 26, 2019

Six and a Half

Here are some of Nolan's favorites:

ANYTHING video game related
French toast
bubble gum
holding Simon
green baba
asking questions
reading graphic novels
swinging sticks around like weapons
building things (Legos, K'nex, etc)
spelling words
Isaac Lindner
ninja moves
fart jokes

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Cindy, Chompo, and Basketball

Since Simon was born, Olivia has taken an interest in "parenting" her dolls.  It is one of my favorite things ever.  There are three of them in the rotation:  Cindy - her first love, named with the help of Grandpa Jim; Chompo - her blonde Bitty Baby; and Basketball - the dark haired Bitty Baby we found at Goodwill with her carseat.  Livi has taken a baby with her just about everywhere - running errands, school pickup, name it.  She loves to use Simon's swaddle blankets to wrap her babies up tight and shushes them and holds them close when they're crying.  Cindy also has a pacifier clipped to her with one of Simon's pacifier clips, just in case she starts fussing.  Livi nurses them and dresses them, and it warms my heart to see her be so loving and nurturing.  One of the things I've noticed is that my normally shy-with-strangers girl comes alive and chats up a storm when she can use her baby to break the ice.  She loves it when someone notices her baby and proudly tells them all about her.  She also uses those conversations to introduce people to her baby brother, Simon.  Watching Livi with her babies has been one of my absolute favorite parts of parenting since Simon was born.  It is just too cute.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Easter was our first holiday as a family of five.  We kept it pretty low key, but had a really wonderful day.  Simon handled his first time at church like a pro and didn't even get out of his carseat.  He slept the whole time!  After church we went to Steve and Patti's for brunch.  Livi put a piece of "pasta bread" (poppy seed bread) on each person's plate and cut it up for them while she was waiting for brunch to start.  After a delicious meal, we went over to Debbie and Rick's house for an Easter egg hunt.  The kids had a great time finding all their eggs.  It was a great, relaxing day of celebrating Jesus' resurrection.  Happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Big Sister

One of the joys of bringing home a new baby has been seeing the growth and transformation of our older kids.  Olivia has been a combination of shy, so excited, a little jealous, a little emotional, and the world's most helpful girl in the wake of bringing Simon home.  She has needed some reassurance (from Mommy especially) that she's still my number one girl, but with that knowledge and some extra hugs and kisses, she has done great.  The first day home, she made cookies with Grandma, dipped in blue sugar to celebrate her baby brother.  She was a wonderful helper and wanted to make sure Simon could see her hard at work.

She likes to hold Simon on the "garby pillow" (Boppy) and talks to him so sweetly while I'm burping him.

The first day I was home alone with she and Simon, she came out of her room dressed as a Princess Butterfly.  She brought out her stool from the bathroom (so Simon could see her, of course) and started doing a Princess Butterfly dance for baby brother.

Breastfeeding is confusing.  "Mommy, can I feed simon with my nipples?"

It has been so precious to watch our sweet baby girl become a big sister.  Each of our kids bring such a unique joy to our lives.  I can't wait to see her continue to grow and blossom.  

Monday, April 15, 2019

Big Brother

Nolan wasn't so sure he wanted another sibling.  In fact, last fall when we told him we were expecting a baby, he sobbed for a solid 45 minutes.  Nolan has always struggled with change, and though he has gotten SO much better, sometimes the "what-if" monster comes around and makes him worry about everything.  We thought that if he knew the gender of the baby, he would feel more prepared.  He was elated when he found out he would have a baby brother. He still looked unsure when he came to meet Simon for the first time, but once he realized Mom was okay and Simon wasn't going to scream all the time, he was absolutely enthralled.  He wants to hold Simon all the time, not taking his eyes off him for a minute.  He gave Simon a tour of the house, with a special lengthy stop in his room to demonstrate each one of his toys.  He is a great helper, and knows how to get Simon to take his pacifier when Mom is in the other room.  He can't wait to teach Simon all about Pokémon and Mario and all things video game.  He makes me so proud of the tenderhearted, loving, and conscientious boy he is.  Simon (and Livi) are lucky to have such a great big brother!

Notre Dame

About fourteen years ago, I had the honor and privilege of singing for a High Mass at Notre Dame Cathedral.  It was one of the most moving and beautiful experiences of my life.  I remember singing Arvo Part's Magnificat as the smoke of the incense billowed around us.  We were back behind the High Altar, only steps away from The Pieta, watching the light stream through the magnificent stained glass.  I had goosebumps as the priest greeted the pilgrims and guests with the words, "the Lord be with you" uttered in about a dozen different languages, and hearing the answer back in each's native tongue. At that time, it made me proud to be part of the Catholic Church - where catholic means universal.  It was amazing to be a part of something so grand.  

Today, that magnificent building caught on fire and my heart aches.  The spire, roof, and much of the structure were horrifically damaged.  At this point, there has already been millions of dollars raised to help rebuild it.  (If only we were so quick to donate money to help God's people, who are the real  Church...but that's a rant for another day.)  I do hope that it is restored, so that my children and my grandchildren will have the amazing spiritual experience of the awe and grandeur of Notre Dame.