Monday, April 15, 2019

Big Brother

Nolan wasn't so sure he wanted another sibling.  In fact, last fall when we told him we were expecting a baby, he sobbed for a solid 45 minutes.  Nolan has always struggled with change, and though he has gotten SO much better, sometimes the "what-if" monster comes around and makes him worry about everything.  We thought that if he knew the gender of the baby, he would feel more prepared.  He was elated when he found out he would have a baby brother. He still looked unsure when he came to meet Simon for the first time, but once he realized Mom was okay and Simon wasn't going to scream all the time, he was absolutely enthralled.  He wants to hold Simon all the time, not taking his eyes off him for a minute.  He gave Simon a tour of the house, with a special lengthy stop in his room to demonstrate each one of his toys.  He is a great helper, and knows how to get Simon to take his pacifier when Mom is in the other room.  He can't wait to teach Simon all about Pokémon and Mario and all things video game.  He makes me so proud of the tenderhearted, loving, and conscientious boy he is.  Simon (and Livi) are lucky to have such a great big brother!

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