Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Big Sister

One of the joys of bringing home a new baby has been seeing the growth and transformation of our older kids.  Olivia has been a combination of shy, so excited, a little jealous, a little emotional, and the world's most helpful girl in the wake of bringing Simon home.  She has needed some reassurance (from Mommy especially) that she's still my number one girl, but with that knowledge and some extra hugs and kisses, she has done great.  The first day home, she made cookies with Grandma, dipped in blue sugar to celebrate her baby brother.  She was a wonderful helper and wanted to make sure Simon could see her hard at work.

She likes to hold Simon on the "garby pillow" (Boppy) and talks to him so sweetly while I'm burping him.

The first day I was home alone with she and Simon, she came out of her room dressed as a Princess Butterfly.  She brought out her stool from the bathroom (so Simon could see her, of course) and started doing a Princess Butterfly dance for baby brother.

Breastfeeding is confusing.  "Mommy, can I feed simon with my nipples?"

It has been so precious to watch our sweet baby girl become a big sister.  Each of our kids bring such a unique joy to our lives.  I can't wait to see her continue to grow and blossom.  

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