Friday, May 29, 2020

Last Day of School

We did it!  We made it!  The last day of virtual schooling in this crazy, crazy school year is over!  Though there were some nice aspects to having the kids at home for these past few months, I felt a sense of relief to be done with being responsible to someone else's schedule and demands.  Both Nolan and Livi's teachers did Zoom meetings to celebrate.  Ms. Kaster gave out awards to each of the students in her class.  Nolan earned the "Taco" award since he is always walking to "taco"-bout everything!  She even stopped by our house to pick up a little present we got for her.  (We had to leave Mrs. Powell's gift at school as she was out of town.)

Later that afternoon, we attended a goodbye parade at Pelican School.  I felt a little bit emotional about it.  Maybe some of the trauma of the many monumental changes over the past few months was finally sinking in, but today I felt so overwhelmingly grateful for the amazing team of teachers and staff that loved my kids and cheered them on in their educational pursuits. As we waved goodbye to the army of staff members during our school's farewell parade, I saw a sea of smiling, encouraging faces and felt in awe at their adaptability, perseverance, and dedication to their craft. Cheers to the teachers and staff who made sure the kids felt connected to their classmates, fostered learning in a non-traditional setting, provided meals for the kids of our community, and support for the parents. I see you and I am so grateful.

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