Monday, May 11, 2020

Visit to Ms. Kaster

Nolan's teacher, Ms Kaster, really went above and beyond during this time of virtual learning.  She provided challenges, did read-alouds, wrote the kids letters, did zoom meetings, and did her best to maintain classroom community, despite physical distance.  She also lives by herself and especially in this time of isolation, we knew how much she missed her students.  We asked her if we could drop off a small gift for her for Teacher Appreciation Day.  She was delighted and Nolan brought her a flower pot that he painted and planted with a flower, as well as a handmade card.  They were both pretty excited for our porch talk.  It was nice for him to catch up with her and fill her in on all the things he's been up to.  We feel so very fortunate for the teachers who still provided an education and compassion and care for their students, as their job description changed basically overnight.  Teachers, you are heroes during these crazy times and we salute you and your efforts!  Thanks for all you do!

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