Thursday, June 25, 2020

Baby Shoe Hand

Simon is really a unique little guy and has some funny quirks.  One of his favorite things to do is put shoes on his hands and walk around the house that way.  We find shoes deposited in drawers, cupboards, closets, and in the washing machine from these adventures.  He really likes it when he finds matching shoes for each hand!

He also has a weird thing about being handed things.  If he's eating and you offer him some more food, you have to put it on his plate because he won't take it from your hand!

He kicks his feet really hard when he wants something.

He REALLY loves "helping" with laundry.  He'll put all sorts of things inside the washing, sunglasses, toys, or anything else he can find!  

Simon also has an uncanny ability to put himself in dangerous situations.  He prefers to play on the wooden or concrete steps and will walk right off the edge.  The retaining walls are like a magnet for him, along with the road, edge of furniture, and anything else where he could possibly get hurt.  Daddy nicknamed him, Baby Tumble Blunder.  

Simon, you keep us guessing and and we love you and all your little quirks!

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