Wednesday, October 7, 2020


 Today Patti offered to take Simon for the morning, so I decided to postpone our lessons for a day and take some time to explore our gorgeous outdoor classroom forest, CAVOC.  I've chaperoned lots of field trips there when the kids were attending school, but this was by far my favorite trip there.  It was absolutely stunningly gorgeous out there with trees of every shade of red, orange, yellow, green, and brown.  The beautiful hilly trails were so fun for the kids to run up and down.  We found tiny purple flowers poking up through the leaves and soft and squishy moss growing on the giant rocks.  We hunted for mushrooms in the damp and cool areas and enjoyed the beauty of the sun peaking through the autumn leaves.  We collected some of the leaves to press and use for craft projects at home.  It was so good to be outside in the fresh, crisp air and enjoy all the beauty a Northwoods fall has to offer.  I'm loving the special memories I have gotten to create this year while I'm homeschooling my kids!

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