Monday, October 5, 2020

One and a half

- Sleep is erratic...He has been pulling all nighters lately and has had a difficult time going to bed.  He refuses to co-sleep, so my option has been to sleep in the rocking chair with him a few times.  
- Still loves his nuk, as well as his babas and lambie.  He prefers a bundle of three or more babas for bed.
- Still needs to be dairy-free
- Loves ketchup, hot dogs, french fries, bananas, spaghetti, fig newtons, golden oreos, graham crackers, dairy-free yogurt
- He is saying so many words, but is still stingy with mama and dada. He says: All done, more, thank you, bye, hi, Ma, Livi, Nolan, Dada, hotdog, sock, shoe, corn, My-My, baba, Grandpa, Grandma, no
- He makes horse, dog, kitty, cow sounds
- He continues to throw his food ALL over the floor at every meal...He thinks it's funny.
- Loves Sesame Street, Daniel Tiger, and Mick Mouw
- Likes to play with cars and trucks
- Favorite book by far is Red Truck
- Loves to be outside
- Has started to climb things...the coat rack, on top of the table, onto chairs
- Likes to empty my tupperware and spice drawers
- Very clingy to Mommy.  Prefers Mom always and gets really, really upset when I leave.
- Size 24 months/2T
- Continues to poop in the tub at least once a month; does not really like baths.  Terrified of showers.
- Likes to build block towers; Loves to knock down other peoples' towers
- Likes to imitate what big people do
- Still can't go down stairs - he tries to go down face first
- Gives high fives


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