Monday, December 13, 2021

Holiday Treats

 This past weekend, Grandma and Grandpa were supposed to come visit to help us making our Christmas cookies.  However, we happened to get a big snowstorm which made traveling ill-advised, so we had to change our plans.  We decided to make a couple of our favorite treats anyway.  We made Peanut Butter Blossoms, Buckeye Balls, and Peanut Butter sandwiches.  Simon definitely approved because the next morning we found him happily munching down on treats that had been stored up high in Tupperware well out of his reach. He found his stool and got the job done! Buckeye Balls have been a family favorite for generations.  Here is the recipe:

Buckeye Balls

3 cups creamy peanut butter
1 cup softened butter
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
4-5 cups powdered sugar
1 package chocolate almond bark

Mix peanut butter, butter, and vanilla together.  Add powdered sugar.

Roll into bite-sized balls and chill in the fridge.  

Melt almond bark in microwavable dish in 30 second intervals. Use a toothpick to dip the peanut butter balls into the melted chocolate.  Cool on wax or parchment paper until chocolate is fully hardened.

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