Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Las Posadas

Tonight we celebrated Las Posadas with the Vadis girls.  This was another fun celebration we continued from last year's Holidays around the World Unit.  Tati and Nolan were Mary and Joseph who were led by the angel (Olivia) to knock on different doors looking for shelter.  Elsa and Pastor Kari were the innkeepers who kept turning them away until they got to the final door.  It is supposed to remind us of the story of Mary and Joseph looking for shelter in Bethlehem, but there being no room for them at the inn.  In Mexico, this festival lasts for 9 days, culminating on Christmas Eve night.  When Mary and Joseph finally find shelter, they come inside and a party awaits.  We had a delicious Mexican feast including a stunning tres leches cake made by Eric.  We ate our meal by candlelight (the kids request) and it was a beautiful, magical evening with our friends.

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