Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Mannheim Steamroller

 Patti invited me to join her for a Holiday Mannheim Steamroller concert down in Wausau at the Grand Theater.  I hadn't been to any type of music performance since before covid, but since they required guests to be vaccinated and masked and we had just had it, I figured it would be a good time to go and get in the holiday spirit.  I was unsure of what to expect, but found myself very interested in determining which instrument was playing which part.  They use a lot of effects on their instruments, so there were times it was surprising to hear what sounds generated from each instrument!  It was a very enjoyable concert and afterward we topped it off with some delicious pizza from a local pizza joint.  It was really fun to get out and about for some Christmas music.  It made me remember back to the years that I did concert after concert at Christmastime and ran myself ragged!  I am also so grateful for a mother-in-law whom I love spending time with and who values making memories with me, too.  

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