Kodiak Johnny Blue (Cody) came into my life fifteen years ago when I answered a dreamhorse ad about a horse for sale. He was big, grey, and super quiet, but pretty rough around the edges training-wise. We decided to take a chance on him and bought him the fall of my first year teaching. He came with me to Long Prairie and soon he got his new name, Elliot. We bonded quickly and his laid-back demeanor and fun work ethic made him a great partner. When summer rolled around, he came back to Eau Claire with me and we began our first horse show season together.
My first few show seasons with Elliot were so fun. He was so quiet and easy to haul. He was a very good boy and learned quickly. He did well in Halter classes and each time we made it to the Grand and Reserve class, he would nicker so gently and quietly to the nervous weanlings.
He was so fun to show in Hunt Seat. He would just put his head down and float along. Annalyse and I took him to an AQHA show in Marshfield, and we had one of the best rides ever. I was thrilled to find out that we had earned our first points in Novice Amateur Hunter Under Saddle - a dream come true for me! At our open shows, I also showed him in Walk/Jog Western and he won many of those classes.
Unfortunately, a long show career was not in the cards for Elliot. We were devastated to find out he had deterioration of his ring bone, as well as navicular disease. We hauled him to MANY vets and farriers all over the state to try to help him regain soundness. No matter what we tried, we were not able to get him sound enough to show.
He became a pasture pet and taught many little kids to ride and love horses.
After many years in the pasture, Elliot came out of retirement to take Nolan in his first horse show. He was very dirty so Olivia and Annalyse gave him a bath. I resurrected my banding fingers and got his mane in tip top shape. We got him tucked into his favorite pajamas. It was exciting to go to a horse show again!
Nolan rode Elliot in his first ever lead line class. Elliot looked so beautiful and it reminded me of our horse show days together. It was so special to share it with Nolan. He was a very brave boy and was so proud of his trophy.
Elliot was a goofball who loved playing games and being silly. He was gentle with his people and his herdmates. Nothing scared him.
Sometimes he was a stinker and got into mischief. We knew it was because he was so smart.
Olivia had an extra special bond with "her girl, Elliot." She always believed he was the most beautiful horse in the world. She loved riding him, brushing him, and giving him lots of love and treats. He was always gentle and kind. Every horse should be so lucky to be so deeply loved.
Elliot passed away unexpectedly on January 18. Mom was outside playing with him all evening. She gave him treats and he was his usual goofy self. After a few hours outside, she went to the house and he died a half an hour later. He went very quickly. We assume it was a heart attack. We feel thankful it was quick and there wasn't any suffering.
This has been hard for all of us, especially Olivia. While she initially took the news in stride, her grief leaked out in surprising and beautiful ways all day. She began the day asking for apples and carrots with her breakfast - Elliot's favorite foods. She drew pictures of him and put them all over the house. She made up a beautiful song about her sweet friend..."Elliot, Oh Elliot, you are white as snow. Elliot, Oh Elliot, you have brown eyes too. Elliot, Oh Elliot, I love you so much." But by evening, her grief came to a head and the big tears came. She wanted me to take the pictures of her buddy out of her room. They were too much for her to bear, especially since most of her room is decorated with white horses in his honor. Once she calmed down she slept with us that night and was feeling better the next morning. Time and good memories will get us through.
People showed up for us in some very beautiful and meaningful ways. Katie Lindner brought flowers. Amy Hayden had a garden stone made of his likeness. Our neighbors, the Plumers, made a beautiful sign to hang on his stall door. And the Vadis girls made us beautiful matching "Elliot, My Girl" necklaces, along with some books and a white horse stuffy. It is so moving when people show up for you in times of grief. It helps to know how much other people care.
One of the saddest moments of Elliot's life was when he was a victim of a drive-by shooting. His neck swelled up terribly and it required lots of extra special care to get him through. Thankfully he was a good boy through it all, and recovered completely with only a scar to show for it.
My dear friend, Elliot,
Thank you for your partnership over the past fifteen years. You have brought so much joy and fun and love into my life. You were so special and kindness radiated from your big brown eyes. Thank you for being gentle with my babies and for teaching them to love horses like their Mama and Grandma. Rest easy on your new legs, buddy. There are three girls here who are missing you very much. You are forever loved. <3
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