Sunday, January 23, 2022

Winter Cabin Weekend

 It has been several months since we have been able to do a getaway weekend from the cabin, so we decided to head that way last weekend.  It was bitter cold outside, but the cozy wood fires and time spent together made it warm and fun anyway.  We took a nice brisk walk to the old cabin to get our sleds on Saturday.  Simon doesn't like to walk, but thought it was really fun to ride in the sled pulled by Daddy.  That afternoon the Vadis girls came out to play with us.  They sledded and played king of the hill outside, then came in for hot chocolate and board games.  It was fun to share our special place with our special friends.  Even though it's close to home, it is always fun to getaway from it all for a few days and enjoy the beautiful four seasons from our cozy family cabin.  It is such a special place and I love that our kids will grow up with these special memories there.

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