Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Roller Kids

Livi got roller skates for her 6th birthday.  She was so excited to get them, but the slope of our driveway coupled with no hand rail and the bumpy asphalt made it really hard for her to get the hang of it.  We've been using the gym at Trinity lately to run around and play with the Vadis girls, so we decided that maybe it would be fun to try skating there.  Livi took to it pretty quickly, as did Tati and Elsa, so we decided we NEEDED to have a disco ball (or 3) to make it extra special.  It wasn't long before Nolan was asking for skates too, so I bought him some with the promise that he would need to give it a good several tries before he gave up.  He found that falling was not very much fun and I found it was a lot harder to keep a hundred pound child upright, but he was starting to get the hang of it and have fun.  Simon really enjoyed riding on his scooter, as well as playing with the toys from the nursery.  We're glad to have a place to run off some energy during this seemingly endless Northwoods winter.

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