Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Wausau Day


When Nolan and Olivia were little, Patti and I took them on Wausau day trips every few months.  We hit up some fun stores, got lunch at a restaurant, and had some wonderful bonding time with Grandma.  We haven't gone since the start of the pandemic and it was more than overdue, so we decided to get it on the schedule!  The kids made wish lists of what they wanted to do and we were able to cover most of it.  We started at Target, where they got popcorn and Grandma bought them each a toy.  Then we moved on to Barnes and Noble, followed by lunch at Becca's.  After lunch we hit up TJ Maxx and Sam's Club and by the point we were all pretty exhausted and ready to head home.  It was a wonderful day and it felt so good to be doing something "normal" after waiting so long!

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