Tuesday, May 3, 2022

A Birthday Adventure for Everett

Everett is 3!!  We celebrated big with a Daniel Tiger birthday party, followed by a trip to MN Zoo the next day.

The aquariums at the MN Zoo are really something special.  All of the kids, especially Simon, loved seeing the fish, sharks, rays, eels, and turtles swim by.  I love seeing the world through their eyes!

The Tropics Trail was also really neat.  It was hot in there, but so cool to wind your way through the habitats and see so many amazing creatures.  The kids were especially excited to see the alligators and the Komodo Dragon.

We took the kiddos on a carousel ride.  They all loved it, as there were some super unique animals to choose from.  Olivia chose a cheetah, Nolan chose a praying mantis, and Ev and Simon chose gorillas.  

Considering we had five kids, including two three year olds and a newborn, the day went extremely smoothly.  Simon was probably the biggest wild card (he was overtired), but eventually he gave in to riding in his stroller some and that made everything easier.  

It was so fun to make some special memories together with my kids and nephews, and I loved getting to spend some time with Annalyse. Happy Birthday, Everett!  We love you!


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